Hello there. My name is Andrew. I am 14 years old and a freshman in an American high school. I know. Specific, right? Well anyways, that should be enough information for now...
Or I could tell you a little bit more about myself. If you're the kind of person who doesn't care about my life, then I suppose this will be horrendously boring.
Basically, I'm a bit of a nut case.
It's true, I'm not like most people. I actually like having intellectual conversations about things like politics, weaponry, art, and such. As far as I can tell, most 14 year olds don't share my passion for intellectualism. Whatever works for them, I guess. I am an avid gamer, and I like writing, composing/arranging music, drawing, and playing instruments. I suppose you could call me artistic, if you want. I am a geek as well, if you want to slap that label on me. Nerd, geek, unathletic, maybe. However, seeing as there is nothing wrong with being these, so don't try to insult me. It doesn't work.
I started this blog as a way to vent some of my various thoughts and ideas to the world, in the hopes that someone, somewhere will read it. Thankfully, I've succeeded with that much, at least. I really have no idea what direction this blog will take, so fasten your seatbelts extra tightly. This is going to be fun.
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